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Welcome to Limbo, let's get set up.

As soon as you get your starter kit, your individualised Limbo programme can begin. Read/watch the instructions in this guide before you start.

⚠️ Ignore the instructions in the the GlucoRX boxes. Downloading the AiDEX app will stop Limbo working.

What you need to do:

1. Set up devices and app

2. Start living with Limbo


Limbo Starter Kit


Limbo open box

1. Start set-up

It's time to put a sensor on your body and get connected to the Limbo app. Your programme starts as soon as you activate your sensor.

Starter Kit contents:

  • 1 x AiDEX transmitter
    (Do not throw this away when you remove the first sensor in 2 weeks)
  • 2 x AiDEX sensors (dispose after use)
  • Limbo patches

Start button


Want to set up on a live call?

Every Tuesday evening, one of our team hosts a set-up call to show members how to use the equipment in the starter kit.

Register here.